Sitting Pretty
Just Remember….
Just Saying…..
My Newest Painting
As a professional artist, my favorite word is “SOLD”. I love what I do but, it is a business. The point is to sell paintings. I don’t do it as a hobby, or for fun. It is what I do and who I am.
My second favorite word is “commission”. It is when someone sees and painting of mine they like but it’s already sold. So they commission a similar one. I don’t duplicate paintings, and don’t think I could even if I tried. Every painting I do is as individual as the brushstrokes on an otter’s fur. It is impossible for me to do them the same. So I try to get the same feeling in another painting of the size and shape as the one they wanted.
But as they sold, I don’t get to show off a new piece on my Available page, where the new ones land. Of course, putting them on the Otter page is on my list of things to do, but doesn’t usually rise to the top of the list in a timely fashion. In other words, I just thought about it.
So, here is my newest painting, already sold. I may get around to putting it on my Otter page. Until then, enjoy. It’s called, “An Ocean of Otters”, 16×16″ round.

Happy New Year!
Living In Paradise
My husband and I have often commented on the fact that we live in Paradise. The Monterey Peninsula is one of the most beautiful places on earth, in my opinion. I grew up an Army brat and so, lived all over the world. But luckily, my father always planned that we would end up back here. I’m glad he followed through on that.
Years ago, my husband and I went on a cruise to the Caribbean. The last stop was a little private island owned by the cruise line. We were sitting on the beach drinking Bahama-rama-mamas, looking out at the water. The couple next to us asked where we were from. We said, the Monterey Peninsula. Startled, they asked us, “What are you doing here?” We looked at each other and answered, “We have no idea.”
We feel lucky and blessed to live here. For me, as an artist, being so close to the artist’s dream location, Carmel-by-the-Sea, it doesn’t get much better. So, in the spirit of living in a place that most folks have to save up for all year, to spend a week in, I created this t-shirt design, to let them know just how much we don’t take it for granted.
If any of you are interested in the t-shirts, you can purchase it from Pixels.
And…It’s Finished!
On my previous post, I noted that I was working on a larger painting. I showed a photo with some of the finished bits showing. It is now officially available for sale on my Available For Sale page. But here it is, finished and framed. It is 16″ round, 21″ framed. So, rather than wrack my brains to write something pithy about it, about being an artist in general, here it is, finished.
In the Works….
I usually post images of my new paintings as they come out. I realize it’s been a while. My studio page on Facebook has been scolding me about it incessantly. Oh dear! No views, no new likes, how can I go on. And you know, if you don’t have views and likes these days, you simply do not exist. I figured I’d be content to stay in the background as far at most of it is concerned. I mean, who can compete with a hedgehog? Or a cat with every holiday costume there is? And believe me, I am decades beyond the time I can take off my clothes to get attention on social media! Not that I would have ever…ever!
I turn bright red when I walk into the gallery and meet a client who has just purchased a painting. I didn’t even realize I tweeted until I saw a plug-in that needed updating. Who knew? Frankly, my favorite social interaction is between me and a canvas, and paints.
But I’ve tackled a new painting. Yes, more sea otters but this time, it’s a rather large one. It’s 16″ round and it’s going to be another week or two….or so, before an unveiling.
I thought it would be fun to show you a few bits of it along the way. Parts of it are finished so here’s a peek at those bits. But that is all you get to see of it for now. I’ll post it in its entirety when it is done. It will just take a while.
Not That I’m Complaining……
But I am complaining. About the weather. I find that it doesn’t do much good, but I’m doing it anyway.
Granted, I think I live in the most beautiful area in the world. The Monterey Peninsula is a fabulous place to live. To be an artist within a couple miles of Carmel by the Sea, a renowned haven for artists and art galleries galore. I am fortunate enough to be showing in one of the oldest galleries in town, not to mention, the oldest one with the original owner, New Masters Gallery. If you visit Carmel, be sure and drop by there. It’s pretty impressive.
But we are also renowned for the “June Glooms” as well. This year, we’ve moved onto the August glooms as well. I’m not enjoying it. As an early riser, and daily walker, I’ve been steadily adding layers these last few weeks. We had a teaser of a couple of days of very warm weather, but then, this again.
I have to admit, the sun does come out. Right about the time I am trying to sit down to paint. Of course. So, I am registering my protest in the way I communicate best, My art. Here’s my opinion.