Flowers and Fantasy

Not to be outdone by….well, myself, I took the last image a step further. I even added some new characters as I didn’t want the same little adorable creatures in recurring roles. Not all the time. It is not easier than painting though. It is just different. I can’t say, after spending hours and hours at this, that it is faster.  Just different.

Some of my experiments with the paint tools, went horribly wrong. But some, wow, are they ever great. My big challenge right now is not to take every element and give them a big glow, but I surely do love that feature. Like having magic at my fingertips.  So thank you, for those of you who have given me the nice feedback.  It is very much appreciated.

Just a note: if this seems a bit different, it is. I went back and tweaked it.

And then, I went back and fiddled just a little more. 
